Working From Home

Tips on Job Searching During the Pandemic

1. Be open while job hunting

There might be jobs available that you wouldn’t have considered applying for pre-pandemic, and now is the time to be open to working in different industries. Don’t read too much into job descriptions either. Apply for the job even if you don’t tick all of the boxes on the job description, employers might be willing to compromise on responsibilities given the current climate.

2. Utilise LinkedIn more

LinkedIn is basically a live version of your CV, so you want to ensure you’re keeping it up to date with your experience and contact details. It’s a great way to sell yourself and connect with people in your desired industry. LinkedIn is also a great place to search for jobs. Use the “Jobs” tab to search in your area, and check it regularly for updated listings. We have a dedicated LinkedIn specialist who can help attract new prospects, generate more introductions, referrals and many new opportunities. Click here to find out more.

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3. Tailor your applications

Each time you apply for a job, your CV should be tailored to the job description and the company you are applying to. This involves simple adjustments like using the job description to make sure your key skills and experience are relatable to the job you are applying for, your CV reflects the wording and phrases used in the job description. All of our CV's come with the ability to be tailored at any time, making it easy for you to keep it current and up to date. Click here to find out how we can help you with a tailored CV.

4. Be patient

A lot of companies are getting overwhelmed with applications as there are more job seekers out there at the moment than there are jobs available. This means it will take longer than usual to get a response regarding your application, and often it might be that companies don’t have time to respond at all if you are unsuccessful. Following up on your application is fine, but give it a little longer than usual.

5. Be willing to work part time or in a temp role

You might be missing out on employment if you’re only searching for full time work. Be open to working a part time role or in a temporary position, as often they can lead to full time hours, and you might be in a position where part time work is better than no work at all. This is also a great opportunity to gain experience in different industries.

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6. Network and put yourself out there

Finding work isn’t just possible through websites like Indeed and Seek anymore. Word of mouth and networking can help immensely when it comes to getting a job. Make it known on your social media that you are on the hunt for employment, and mention it when you are talking to friends and other connections. You never know who has a friend or relative who is on the lookout for new staff. 

7. Work on your elevator pitch

You need to be able to sell yourself, and do so in a couple of punchy sentences. Spend some time honing in on your specific skill set and what makes you the best fit for a company, and perfect how that comes across in a short but impactful few sentences. This is going to come in handy when you’re networking or hear of jobs through word of mouth and approach people through social media or in person for work.

8. Practice your online interviewing 

While you’re waiting to hear back from possible employers, work on your interviewing skills. Sit in front of your camera and practice the usual questions asked in interviews and work on your confidence. Watch the videos back and then refine your answers from there. You’ll find that when it’s time for a real interview, you are a lot less nervous because you are going in much more prepared and experienced.

ImpressiveCV offer services to help jobseekers with all aspects of their search, including a list of potential jobs, tailored CV’s that can be edited at any time, and interview guides to help you prepare. Feel free to contact us at any time to find out more.

Is Working from Home Here to Stay

2020 has forced companies all over the world to adapt to remote working within a short amount of time, and while there were no doubt some hiccups along the way, it seems that the world wide transition to remote work has been quite successful thus far, but is it here to stay? 

The key to remote working becoming sustainable is investing in its success and focusing on the long term. Companies need to ensure they have more flexibility with their operational guidelines as they adapt to the online world. Company goals will need to align with the new working from home culture, and there should be an understanding of expectations between employers and employees. HR policies will also need to be reviewed to ensure they reflect the state of the world as it currently stands.


Adaptability is key, and company leaders will need to establish clear practices and lines of communication not just with employees, but with clients and stakeholders too. Communication between staff and management will be more frequent, and the use of current software, shared calendars and live chats will drive productivity.

Keeping track of employee morale and wellbeing is one of the most important aspects of remote work. The sudden change in working environment, going from being social and having personal interactions with co-workers, to having that lack of physical interaction is a big adjustment.

Companies should support workers through their challenges and monitor team culture to ensure workers are physically and mentally able to continue remote work. Ways to do this could include scheduled breaks throughout the day where workers switch their computers off and take a walk or have a coffee break, virtual after work drinks or even online games to keep workers spirits up and connected with their teammates. Ensuring employees are still maintaining a healthy work-life balance is important too. Switching off their computers at the end of business hours and leaving their workspace is vital when working remotely, and staff should not feel pressured into carrying their work over into their personal time just because they are working from home.

Remote working also has had many benefits that a lot of companies around the world probably never saw coming. There’s becoming less of a need for office spaces, less time is spent commuting, there are fewer business trips and expenses, shorter breaks, less sick days, and a greater focus from employees. 

The pandemic left many businesses with no other option but to adopt remote work, and while it has it’s pro’s and con’s, if companies can get the work-life balance right, ensure productivity and uphold their business goals and guidelines, there’s no reason why remote work couldn’t become the new normal.

How to Overcome the Struggle of Managing and Motivating Remote Employees

COVID-19 has provided a wonderful opportunity for executives who were already planning on experimenting with management of their remote teams. Inspiration can be drawn from tech giants such as Facebook and Google, who have decided to manage their most of  employees through remote working policies until 2021.

Overseeing remote employees is a tough ask for any executive, as there is no face to face interaction between employees and employers. On top of this, remote employees are bound to feel demotivated and confused at times, which can upset the entire remote employee management  system. To avoid this, company executives must work with their management to establish virtual offices by investing in effective video conferencing and online communication tools.

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The basic purpose of using virtual offices is to manage the business better and also to create a strong connection with remote employees. Employees can share their feelings and suggestions through this connection. This will also make remote employees relax a bit in an otherwise boring remote working environment.

It is extremely beneficial to arrange various socialising activities such as virtual tea breaks to make remote working enjoyable, and to emulate a regular day in the workplace. During these breaks employees can share their personal and professional experiences with colleagues. Another great way to boost the morale of employees could be by organising online video gaming activities. These pastime activities will keep employees engaged and will prevent them from isolation.

Company executives must make sure that their remote working goals are achievable and clearly conversed to their employees. Unclear and unachievable goals can create confusion and demotivation among remote employees. These goals should be tracked through effectual performance metrics. The paid version of the Klipfolio is an effective software to measure the performance of remote workers. High performing employees should be rewarded according to their performance level to keep them motivated and aligned with the long term objectives of the company.

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Executives must organise regular face to face meetings between management and remote employees roughly every two weeks. The main aim of conducting these meetings should be to get honest feedback and useful suggestions from remote workers regarding improvement of the current work environment, and to gauge what’s working and what isn't. Such meetings can help company management introduce changes according to the desires and requirements of remote employees. Management can also offer financial benefits or other rewards to workers who give the best suggestions for improving the work environment. These benefits, along with the improvement in work environment will definitely boost up the morale of remote workers.

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Executives must also work on offering innovative health insurance plans for remote workers. Safety Wing Insurance is a great option for providing health insurance to remote workers. Additionally, executives must make an effort to create a separate online learning management system for their remote workers. This learning management system could offer free courses on artificial intelligence, machine learning and digital marketing. Employees can take these courses in their free time and will play an important role in their professional development. It will also keep them interested in their respective jobs and build on their existing skill set. 

In addition to motivation issues, companies also face difficulties in managing their profit and loss accounts while working with remote workers. Quick Books online is the best option for executives who are facing difficulties in managing their accounting transactions related to their remote workers. 

Company executives should take Covid-19 as an opportunity rather than a threat. This is the perfect time to test innovative remote working technologies and get effective systems in place, given that some multinationals were planning to allow their employees for remote work even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Similarly, there was a steady rise in the workers opting for remote work.

Success of companies in the post Covid-19 era will mostly depend on how their executives will manage and motivate their remote workers.

Written by Ammad Qureshi