A resume alone will not get you a job
Rarely will you be successful with employment applying on a job board
Whether you know it or not, you have a personal brand. When you Google yourself, what pops up? These results are the first impression people will have of you. Is it a good one? Is the information you are sharing across LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social media sites consistent? Whether you have a date or a job interview, chances are someone is going to Google you to learn more about who you are. The question is, do you want to allow your online reputation to take on a life of its own or control the narrative? With the proliferation of social media and the gig economy, it has become essential for everyone to embrace personal branding.
The brand you communicate marks your career reputation and is in some respects a promise. When you carry a personal brand, your unique promise of value precedes you and has far-reaching effects throughout your job search, Branding in resumes influences hiring decision-makers reviewing them to consider the candidate and can compel them to feel they must meet that person. The best way to land your next great career opportunity or advance your current career track is through personal branding. Personal branding is still relatively cutting-edge – most job seekers haven't taken advantage of it yet. Tap into it before it mainstreams and you can tremendously impact your job search. Showcasing your personal brand attributes in your resume – your vitality, unique value, strength of character, and passions about your work – creates chemistry with the reader and can pre-qualify you as a viable candidate who will add value and fit their corporate culture. As many brand strategists will tell you, a brand is nothing without a good story. The difference between a company and a person is how their story is told. As I said before, it’s even better if they are intertwined.
Tell the story behind your personal brand through interactions with people and your audience. Spread the message in the way you speak to clients and people you meet. Create a visual perception in the clothes you wear, how you groom your hair and do your makeup. As well as the way you write your social posts–or any other content you create for that matter. The way you portray yourself on social media and to the press is a huge part of personal branding. Eventually, your personal brand is spread by word of mouth. With the spread of content on social media, your personal brand can reach corners of the earth most folks couldn’t even imagine 20 years ago.
Find your Uniqueness
The first step towards creating your personal brand is to find your uniqueness. A personal uniqueness can be one of many things:
Your style of work
The way you communicate
Your capabilities
How you help people
Your life story
Your values
Any other aspect of your life which makes you different…
Having a strong personal brand is so important so that when a hiring manager does their research about you, a strong image appears and they want you in their workplace!! Once you apply for the job, the first thing the hiring manager will do is look up who you are!
Stay tuned for more on the HOW’s.