Accelerating the growth of your Company LinkedIn profile

A few days ago I asked my #LinkedIn followers what they are having trouble most about understanding LinkedIn. The first response I had was “How does one make a Company Profile prominent?”

Although a self starter business owner myself who is not using this feature, I thought I would go about conducting some research into these questions.

So what strategies should one use to accelerate the growth of your Company profile?

  1. Complete the entire profile set-up

As is the case with all online profiles today, you need to complete the entire profile set up. So ensure you have the following correctly entered:

– Logo (ensure you use high resolution)
– Company description
– Website URL
– Company size
– Industry
– Company type
– Location

To be able to update your profile, follow below. This will then take you to the page to update the above dot points.


2. Follower Engagement

You need to ensure your company page has regular posts (LinkedIn recommends weekly, however we recommend daily!) to ensure visibility. Research shows that company pages with over 150+ followers has 5x more profile views. HOT TIP: why don’t you schedule posts to boost your engagement and follows these tips:

Descriptive caption: Helps to provide people with extra context around your content

  • Eye-catching images: Clean, simple aesthetic helps your content to stand out

  • Hashtags: A great way to increase the visibility of your content to new audiences

Bonus: Add emojis, questions, and bullet points to switch up the look and feel of your content

If you think that you are running out of ideas, why don’t you (sparingly) re-share, or Re-Buffer, your top posts from the past. Due to sophisticated algorithms, there is a possibility only (2-6%) of your followers have seen your posts in the LinkedIn Feed. See below.

3. Link your company profile to all platforms

Set up your social media profiles properly to ensure your brand remains consistent across platforms. Put your business url on all email signatures, and as many social media platforms as possible. BRAND AWARENESS

Give these tips a try and tag me on LinkedIn and let me know if they were useful

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